Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Mission Statement at Tyndel Solicitors:

At Tyndel Solicitors, our aim is to cultivate an inclusion-first company ethos where fairness prevails and individuals are empowered to be their true selves in the workplace.

We acknowledge the necessity for diverse representation at all levels within our firm and understand this requires ongoing, quantifiable efforts that we consistently review and refine.

Our dedication lies in fostering conscious inclusion throughout our operations and forging equitable opportunities for all.

Tyndel Solicitors champions EDI not only within our own firm but also for our clients, with the goal of cultivating more equitable, diverse, and inclusive teams within the sectors we serve.


Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion are foundational to Tyndel Solicitors. We believe that a successful business is built on a supportive culture where every employee, candidate, and client is valued and respected irrespective of their background.

We realize the importance of this commitment to our business and recognize it as a critical goal for many of our clients. We envision ourselves as catalysts in assisting our clients to fulfill their aspirations and objectives to become more equitable, diverse, and inclusive entities.

We are convinced that such an environment not only fosters better workplace dynamics but also leads to superior outcomes and collective success.


Tyndel Solicitors takes pride in being an equitable, inclusive, and diverse firm. We are diligent in ensuring that individuals are considered for roles without bias towards age, race, gender, background, disability, or any other protected characteristic. Our business culture mirrors this fundamental principle.

Our commitment to EDI is rooted in the responsibilities defined by the Equality Act 2010, which mandates us to:

– Eradicate unlawful discrimination, harassment, victimisation, and any other conduct that the Act prohibits.
– Promote equality of opportunity between individuals with a protected characteristic and those without.
– Encourage positive interactions between individuals with a protected characteristic and those without.

– We regularly scrutinize our recruitment procedures to prevent any form of unlawful discrimination.
– We implement an EDI policy that all employees receive and reaffirm annually.
– Our dedication to diversity is clearly stated in all external job advertisements and postings.
– Our EDI steering/project group convenes quarterly to address issues, enhance awareness, and develop new strategies and procedures that support our EDI objectives and those of our clients. This facilitates the dissemination of best practices throughout Tyndel Solicitors.

We offer all employees:

– Targeted training in equal opportunities and diversity.
– Expert EDI trainers to ensure our communications, including job advertisements, are free from bias.
– Involvement in EDI working groups to actively promote the agenda within Tyndel Solicitors.
– Flexible working arrangements to attract a broad demographic reflective of all backgrounds and life circumstances.
– Generous maternity, paternity, and adoption leave policies for all employees.
– Reasonable adjustments to support and enhance accessibility for disabled employees and workers, wherever feasible.
– Established procedures for monitoring adherence to our EDI Policy and for addressing discrimination complaints, which we handle with utmost seriousness and are accessible to all staff.